Friday, October 08, 2004

Night of the Living Dead

Not sure if all of you guys have seen the movie "Last Action Hero" but it is an Arnold Schwarznegger movie, where a kid has a magic movie ticket. With the ticket he can walk in and out of any movie. Actually go into the movie he is watching. The kid then ends up walking into a movie called Jack Slater IV, which is basically the generic Arnold action flick.

Now many of you must be thinking of movies that you would love to be in that movie universe. Maybe it is Star Wars, or perhaps you would think it would be fun to be in X-men universe. Who knows but you get the point, with the ticket you could go into any movie universe. My pick would be "Night of the Living Dead." I would pick to go into the movie just as the zombies arrive at the house. When there is only about three or four of them outside. While everyone else is trying to board the house up, I would go outside with an aluminum baseball bat, and start cracking skulls, quite literally. Not only would this be great fun, beating the shit out of zombies, it would also be an outstanding workout. Think about swinging that baseball bat at zombies for a few hours, knowing that if you get too tired and you don't hit hard enough and fast enough. The zombies are going to start out numbering you and will eventually kill you.

Then after you get a good workout knocking the hell out of the zombies, you could start using them as target practice. After I take out the 200 - 300 zombies near the house, I could then start travelling. I would probably go to a military base as quick as I could and get some serious weapons. Then drive around in a tank or maybe a hum-vee. I would be the ultimate zombie smashing machine. Since about 90% of the world turned into zombie, that would be like what 10 billion zombies to kill, something like that. Yeap, that would be the ultimate life right there.


Blogger Paul said...

absolutely. i love it.

12:25 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

Yeah well I would walk into Night of the Living Dead and be a zombie, but not just any regular wandering zombie. I will be a zombie that figures that some asshole non-zombie will get cocky about killing zombies and leave his house to go kill more. So I will wait for this guy inside a tank on a military base. And since the non-zombie will be all cocky he will drop his baseball bat when he sees the tank...and thats when I will get him. Now, he too will be a zombie. But once he is a zombie I will not let him join me to kill more humans...because there is nothing worse than a cocky zombie.

4:42 PM  
Blogger The Lone Zombie said...

Well now that the non-zombie knows that there is some kind of renegade zombie out to trap the non-zombie. I think that non-zombie would be more careful about getting into any tanks that he now thinks has zombies in it. Oh and and that non-zombie would start wearing some type of armor that zombies couldn't bite though when he goes into a tank. So I think the non-zombie will be quite safe from your pitiful friends here...uhhh I mean the non-zombie would be safe from stupid-ass-bored-out-of-his-zombie-mind-tank-hiding-zombie.

9:25 PM  

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