Monday, May 16, 2005

Europe Emails

So I was getting out of Naples, I finally got my account fixed so I can get money out of the foreign ATMs and I was on my way to Rome, hopefully to have a better time. After a short rail trip I arrived at Rome and started to head towards my Hostel. Well I was figuring that the hostel name would be large and easily seen. As it turns out, it is a very small hostel and the only name for it was next to the push button on the call button outside. So I walked around Rome(resisting the dumb joke here) for about 4 to 5 hours searching the streets for this hostel. As it turns out I walked past it numberous times, until I got to a pay phone and called them again and they told me I was really close, and someone would wait outside for me.

After finding the hostel I stayed in Rome for a few days doing the sight seeing thing. Saw what was left of Ancient Rome, the Vatican, ate at small mom and pop resturants and other numberous tourist things. Met another american in my hostel and he told me about a little town on the western coast of Italy that was suppost to be really nice called Riomagori, or something like that. So I went there for a day and it was very fun. It was a town right on the mountainous coast and was a really fun place. I used to have pictures but I am not sure where they are anymore. Well my next place to go was in Switzerland and I had a really fun time getting there, including sleeping on the train and finding it empty and in the service center, having to get an italian to drive me back to the station and sleeping the rest of the night there. I think I started writing emails after that so I can just cut and past them and they should be better.


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