Monday, January 31, 2005

WoW it has been a long time.

I doubt anyone even looks at this site anymore, not that many people did in the first place, but I am thinking of getting out the old writing keyboard again and typing away. I hope that didn't sound gay, but I did want to just say I am going to start my blog again. Now to think of my first story back on the blog. I guess can talk about my classes.

My first class is chemistry. While I don't particularly enjoy chemistry, I do know that while I am going into engineering it will be one of the last classes any girls will be in. So I have to appreciated this class for at least that, which is sadly the only thing it has.

Next class on the list, calculus, the only class I actually enjoy. That's right, I enjoy calculus, albeit the only subject that is challenging and the only class I am learning anything in. So of course it is the hardest class I am taking.

Next is a joke of a class called introduction to engineering. Strange that everyone in the class know it is a joke of a class just to give you a few A credits, even the teach has no respect for this class. Basically it consists of him giving powerpoint presentations of jobs that engineers can do and how they do them.

Lastly comes my English, technical writing class. Talk about a waste of time. In this class we learn how to write memos and other interoffice communications, like emails. No I am not joking, and yes, I did say we learn how to write memos. I am glad I am taking this class, so when I am at my desk in a few years I will be sure to know how to write a fucking memo and an email. To add insult to injury, as the expression goes, the guy must be one of the driest, most boring teachers out there. Tack that on to one of the most worthless classes imaginable, and boom you got yourself a class you couldn't possibly not enjoy, then sprinkle on the fact that it is a once a week THREE HOUR class. Well lets just say I don't like that class very much. In fact the entire time he is talking I keeping thinking about "Hey, Peter, what's happening. We have a problem, apparently you didn't put the new cover sheets on the TPS report, did you get that memo"


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