Thursday, November 04, 2004

Think I could have been wrong abou the female football thing

I was surfing the internet for uhhhhh football pictures. Yeah thats it, and I found a few interesting pictures on the web. Well, one got me thinking that I could have been wrong about the whole not wanting to watch female football. I saw this picture , and thought, hmmmm I really think I could get into watching female football. Then I saw this picture and thought, these girls are european "football" player, or what we call soccer players. So then I could be correct about the American Female Football players being nasty looking, and I might move to europe and just enjoy watching football there. Then I saw this picture and thought, hmmm I don't think these girls really play any kind of football Then I saw this picture and thought, you know, this might be a porn site. So at that point I was completely appauled, turned off my computer and washed my eyes out with listerine.


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