Friday, October 22, 2004

I kind of wish I had a son

I forget what I was watching of TV that made me think of this, but I kind of wish I had a son. So I could shape him to my will. Of course I couldn't live in the United States, since what I want to do would be illegal. See what I would do is to get a lab, where I could train him and shape him to my will. I would work him out constantly from the time he is about 3, before that I would just have him listen to war music and battle scenes. After three years of age, I would put him on a diet and have him work out all the time. In his "free" time, he could read war strategies, and anatomy books, it would make him a more efficient killer. Of course I would also desensitize him, have him watch other animals kill each other, and people killing each other. I would also tell him that the world is a cold and hateful place, and that nobody deserves to live. Then when he turns eighteen I could have him do my bidding. He would be an international assassin and mercenary. He would kill anyone I want him to, or if someone had enough money to pay me. I could have him kill the person he wants him to kill. Of course this would just be one step I would take for world domination. I really wouldn't need him once I can create frankenstien like monsters and train them to kill for me. And the frankenstien monsters wouldn't take so long to create. Well anyway I should keep this on the down low, since I don't want the man to stop me.


Blogger forrestdavy said...

Maybe you could call this time in your life "Unleased" and your son could be Jet Li.

11:13 PM  

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