Thursday, October 21, 2004

Got another job in mind

So apparently there is a escort service in New York City that does not sell sex. It is a legitimate escort service, where the girl just go out with the guy. So basically the plan is, guys hire these girls for the evening, going out to public places with them. As we all know, women don't have opinions of their own. They have to see what other girls like, so when they see the guy with this girl the other girls will start to like the guy. (You got all that, if not, read it again)

Well I was thinking, maybe I could start up one of these here in the Hampton Roads area. All I need to do is find about 10 - 20 good looking girls, tell them all they have to do is date these guys for one night, and they will get paid something like 20 dollars an hour. And I will charge the customer 30 dollars an hour. It would be best if the guys paid up front, to make sure they pay, but I know deep down I would want the guys to pay the girls after the service. Since then after the girls come back in, I can say "Bitch, you better have my money." That might be going a little over the top though. Well either way, whenever someone askes me what my job is, I could finally tell them that I am a pimp, which would be another cool job.


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