Thursday, October 14, 2004

Forgot a job

During my dream jobs, I can't believe I forgot about me being a commerial actor. I mean, how awsome would that be, to be a commerical actor. Especially the ones where the people are dancing around having a good old time singing the jingle for the product. Swoops there it is, Swoops there it is. Or the medication commercials. Tension headache are a pain in the neck. Thats why I use Advil head and neck ache formula. Because pain in the head and neck don't have to be a pain in the neck. Then if I get really big like jarred or the Dell kid, they would ask me to play in movies and TV show. Since I am not as annoying as either Jarred , the fat bastard, ot the awful dude you are getting a dell kid. But I would then surprise the hell out of the TV and movie producers and turn them down. Since all I really want to do is commercials.


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