Saturday, October 09, 2004


For the past few years I keep having the strangest dreams. Not sure what these dreams mean, but they are definatley wierd, and I am not sure if they are just odd dreams or nightmares.

Like all dreams I have a hard time remembering exactly what goes on in my dreams a few hours after so I don't remember them all exaclty but I will try to tell you about a few. The ones that comes to mind the most, are the vampire dreams. Where for some reason or another I am fighting off vampires. Sometimes I am helping to protect people and others I am just there killing the vampires for money. Either way, I would kill a few of the vampires, but eventually I trap me and start ripping me apart and eating me alive, and right before I die I would wake up. But I would never wake up reacting to a nightmare. I wouldn't wake up in a cold sweat, or be startled at all. Instead I would remember the dream to be really cool and would want to have the dream again. The other dreams(nightmares) I have a all pretty much the same way. It is me fending off these monsters until they eventually over whelm me and kill me. Weird huh.


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