Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Imperial Party of America

After looking at a few of these parties on this site: http://www.politics1.com/p2004.htm I figured I could make my own party. The problem was that all the good names were taken already. Even though the communist party is not up there, there is one, and there is even a fascist party. So, I thought to myself, I could be the Imperial Party of America (IPA). That would be even better than the communist and the fascist party put togeather. Best thing about it is, I would ever have to run again once i get into office. Basically my strategy would be is this:
1. Anyone who publically speaks poorly about me or my ideas, dies.
2. If I get assassinated and they know it is a United States Citizen. The military's orders are to create choas in the streets of America, or in other words, kill anyone suspected of killing me or disliking me, and kill there families and freinds, and burn their house down.
3. If I get assassinated by someone outside the united states, first find out what region of the world there look like they might be apart of. If the guy was Arab, the middle east India and north africa. Then explode a few Nukes over there. If they are unsure, just nuke the whole damn world, who cares, I am dead.

Now the difficult part would be getting me elected. So I would tell the people of America that you will all be rich once I am in office. There will be no more poor people in this nation. Then I would tell them that we will go to war with all of our enimes, and conquer their lands and enslave thier people. Basically this will be every country except Great Briton, and Australia. But I might take Australia later on, just because I would want to have a house there. Then with all the slave labor and money coming from all the other countries, I could live up to my promise of all Americans being rich. If they are still not rich, well I would just have to kill them too. But that is there fault since they didn't become rich. They were probably against me somehow anyway. Oh yeah, and no more old people, once you get over 80 you are turned into crackers. I will feed the slaves with the crackers.


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