Friday, October 29, 2004

Its been even longer

Well, I got Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas a few days ago and have been incredably addicted to it for the past three days. I could probably write a review about the game, but the more I think about it, why. If you play video games and you liked the past two versions, you will most likely get the game and if you didn't or don't then you will not get the game. What I kind of want to write about though is the Thelma Drake commericals on the radio. What the hell is she thinking. I guess it is what all polticions do, but it just seems more rediculous with her. The commercials are basically saying that Themla Drake is on your side and wants to help you out and how Themla Drake is basically a really good person, then the commercial jumps to the dark side, it then talks about how her competion (David Ash) is a bad person. Shit like, David ash voted against helping poor innocent children getting help and David Ash does beleive in helping you or your community. Then everytime I hear the commercial I think what has to be next is: And David Ash hates all of you ecspecially those of you that can vote and David Ash is the DEVIL. My decision on who to vote for was pretty split before these stupid commercials came out. If I do decide to vote, I will probably vote David Ash now, since I think it would be cool to have the devil in the congress. I mean, you know he would get shit done and nobody is going to argue with him.


Blogger Brian said...

The TV commercials are even better. Thelma Drake is basically running her campaign around "Vote for me, I once stood next to President Bush." Its hilarious how many times they show her standing next to him. David Ashe's commercial talks about all the times he has served his country. They show him in the marines and in other stuff...blah, blah blah. But the best part is when they show him helping out at Ground Zero in NYC. He looks like he has a fake beard AND that his body has been superimposed on another photo of Ground Zero.

1:25 AM  

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