Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Conan the Bad Ass

My roommate Ryan was watching the movie "Legend" the other day, and I was on my way out of the kitchen and stopped by to catch a few scenes of the movie. Well it happen to be the scene where that swamp witch wanted to eat Tom Criuses character, but he talked to her for a long time to distract her and finally got his sword out and chopped her head off. I made the comment that Conan would have handle that situation much better. Once the swamp witch jumped out of the water Conan would have backed up a second, looked at how ulgy she was and then cleave her in half. Then Conan would have thrown her rotting corpse back into the water without a second though.

After I made the comment on how Conan would have kill her, Ryan commented that Conan is a bad ass and he would have delt with many situations differently. Well after a few comments on how Conan kicks ass we came to the conclusion that Conan is the biggest bad ass ever. Some people come kind of close, but not close enough.
Who else answers what best in life like conan.
Who else had to push a giant wheel around for 12 years straight.
Who else throws a witch into a fire after fucking her and then sleeps there the rest of the night.
Who else, while be crusified, kills a vulture pecking away at him.
Who else, while be crusified, laughs right before he dies, because his friend found him ten minutes too late.
There are many other examples too that are too lenghty to describe, but the point is Conan is a Bad Ass motherfucker. The only person that I would consider to come close to him in Bad Assness would be Darth Maul. They were both little talking killing machines, but one Darth Maul grimmaced in pain when he was cut in half, Conan laughed when he died. So that pretty much makes all the difference in the world, when you are talking about two bad asses like that.


Blogger forrestdavy said...

Darth Muhl? Are you kidding? Conan wouldn't ever listen to anyone else especially some old dude that doesn't even weild a light saber. Darth Muhl could have kicked Palpatines ass, but never did. Conan would have said, I am tired of this shit and killed him long before he was sliced in half. And do you think Conan would have been killed by a man from Moulin Rouge?

3:16 PM  

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