Saturday, May 14, 2005

Europe Emails

About 2 years ago, right after I got out of the navy, I decided to go to Europe by myself. With two months of leave built up, I took it all when I left the navy and went to europe for two months. The first email I wrote doesn't tell what happen when I first got there because I had a web page that broke down when I got to Switzerland. So the entire time I was in Italy is lost, but I did have a personnel jounral that I can summerize from.

After an extremely long plane ride from Norfolk to Itatly, I had arrive in the Naples naval base. I planned on making my reservations and travel ideas on the fly while I was in Europe. I thought being more dynamic would be more fun. So with this I had no where to sleep that night. I had no idea where I was in Naples and I also heard naples wasn't the best place to walk around lost, since there are many pick pockets there. Well after wandering the Naval base for food, I found a place that made reservations to hotel on in the city. So this place gave me the hotel room and direction to get there. The directions were a little rough to follow though, since the girl that gave them to me was italian and spoke only broken english.

Well basically with troublesome results I found the hotel, which looked like a broken down warehouse, but was surprisingly nice inside. It was a 3 star hotel, but unlike here America, the hotel gets to put how many stars their hotel deserves. Now that my adventure of getting to the hotel was over, there really wasn't much more I could do. See I thought I was going to be able to get cash from the ATMs here but as it turns out my ATM card wasn't working for these European banks and I only had about 50 US dollars left. I eventually found an exchanger at the train station, which was hard to find and where I seemed to spend most of my time in Naples. Well after exchanging my money I now had 40 some Euros. Enough to by some dinner at probably a McDonalds or something. I wasn't very good at going to italian resturants there in naples since nobody speaks english. Well as it turns out I spent one more day in Naples and soon went off to Rome, where I had a much easier time with everything.


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