Sunday, May 08, 2005

The next day in Vegas

Well after going to sleep extremely late once again we didn't get up until about 1 or 2 in the afternoon. After getting up Mike and I just went down to the casinos to gamble away more money. I remember going to the casino slots of fun again and playing 3 dollar blackjack with an optional 1 dollar wheel spin if you get a blackjack, to win from 10 to 1000 dollars. Well not to much surprise the wheelspin was a pretty big rip off, while I didn't play it someone else at the table aways did. Everytime they got a blackjack and got to spin the wheel, they would always get 10, 11 or 15, never landing on anything higher and they got to spin the wheel about 20 - 30 time since we were there for a long while.

Later on in the day Mike and I went back to Gileys, because well it is a pretty fun place and I like hitting on country girls. We walked in and got the same waitress as last time, short, hot, blonde girl that didn't seem to be all that bright. Tonight was the mud wrestling night though and we had to move our table to one that was close to the ring. Our waitress got upset because we moved but she got over it. Well once 8 o'clock hit we we got our all you can drink beer for 15 bucks deal. Then around 10, after listening music and talking to a bunch of people, the mud wrestling started. The first thing they needed were a few volunteers for the towel boys. Basically they need four guys to wipe the girls off after each round. Well the postitions were filled rather quickly and Mike got one of them. So he left me at the table alone so he could wipe off the dirty girls. Well a few beers later and a few rounds later, mike had to leave his postion to take a piss. Well, I said I would fill in for him while he went to the bathroom since I am such a nice cousin. As it turned out I filled in for him for the rest of the night, which didn't last too much longer since they ran out of girls that wanted to get in the mud. So we stayed there a little while longer and met up with bobby around 1 or 2 in the morning. As we were walking out, the hotel entrance guys(whatever he is called) asked us if we wanted to go to a strip club. We all looked at each other and decided why the hell not. I told the guy which club we went to last time I was here and rather go to a different one this time. Well he tells us to hold on a sec and gets on his cell phone, talks to someone and tells us our ride will be here shortly. About 5 minutes later a gigantic stretch explorer-like limo pulls up to the entrance and mike jokingly tells us that our ride is here, and of course I laugh and say yeah right. To my surprise the limo driver gets out of the car and tell us that our ride is here. We all look at each other in surprise then we jumped into the limo. We were only in the limo for a short time though, since the club wasn't too far away, but it was a nice, free ride over there.

Well we arrived at the strip club, told our driver thanks and one of us gave him a tip. We walked into the club and I am not sure what the cover charge was but it was kind of expensive. Right away one of the girls walks up to us and starts doing her magic, and it seems like mike is tempted but I diverge him and tell the girl that we are going to sit down first. So we sit at the stage and watch the girls for a while. Entertaining as it was, girls were constently trying to get with us to take our money but we sucessfully fended many of the off for quite a while. The an extremely hot girl(still remember her name, vivian) walked up to mike and me and Mike was very close to breaking and I admit, so was I. Well we finally got her to leave us and our money, but soon after another hot chick walked up to me and after the last girl, my will was broken. I told her okay and walked into the back room. After a while back there and a few bucks later I walk out into the main area to find Mike and Bobby gone. Not sure where they were I gave Mike a ring(later finding out that I had his phone too for some reason) . Well they left the strip club for some reason and left me there alone. I stayed for a little while longer, but it was around 4 in the morning and the place was empty, except for a few girls still dancing and waitressing. So I left the place ready to hail a cab but as it turned out I could see the strip from where I was and it didn't look like too dangerous of a walk. I finally get to the strip and my hotel is only about 3 or four block away when a girl drives up next to me and asked if I wanted a ride. My first thought when I saw this girl was that she was one butt-ugly girl. This is after I have been drinking pretty much all night and my beer goggle were on high. I tell her that my hotel is not far away and that I can easily walk the distance. But as people are in Vegas she was insisted and I was drunk, so I said okay and got in the car. As it turns out, it was not really am ugly girl. It was an ugly guy dresses as a girl. Well as "she" is driving down the strip she tries to grab me, and tells me "she" wants to perform sexual favor for me. Now I may have been drunk and "she" may have been persistant, but I wasn't THAT drunk and "she" wasn't THAT persistant. Thankfully the hotel was coming up quick and I was about to leave the car. She tried and tried but I definatley kept "her" away from me. I then told "her" bye and left basically running for the hotel door, finally ending a long and exciting day.


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