Wednesday, May 18, 2005

European Emails

This is the uncut, unedited email I sent to everyone while in europe. If you have already read them, I am sorry for the repeat. Just read it again.

Hello Everybody,
Of those of you that have been keeping up with my
webpage you know that it is broken. For those that
having been there in awhile or have never been
there(Iris) now you know that it is indeed down right
now. So I decided to just send this one email to just
about everyone I think that was keeping up with it.
If you do not really care(Iris) then I guess you can
just delete this email right now.............Okay well
I really forget where I left off. I think it was my
second day in Switzerland and I really didn't do all
that much that day. But the next day was a little
more exciting I kind of got lost in the Swis Alps
forest after I was walking up the mountain and figured
it would take a long time to get to the top by
walking. So I just walked into a forest and had some
fun. I really didn't get lost because I was following
a river but it did reminded me of Deliverance so I
soon walked back to my hostel and got drunk again.
Which by the way, these youth hostels are quite fun.
In the last two I have been in they have a party
everynight downstairs. It is a really good way to
meet girls from other countries. Or actually people
but honestly I really don't care to meet any damn
foreign guys. Well anyway I met two girls the night
before named Lisa and Annie and they were walking by
while I was reading a book, so they asked if I would
like to go for a walk. Or course I said yes and on
the way we met a guy that works at the hostel and he
had to also go out. Well as it was he was going to
Hooters(yes there is one in Interlaken) so instead of
going shopping with the girls I went to Hooters.
Don't worry the girls will be coming back and eating
there also. Well we stayed there for a couple of
hours had a few beers and I bought a Hooters
Interlaken Tee Shirt and had a pretty good time. The
next day I went to the top, well not exactly the top
but pretty close, and on the way I met two Aussie
girls named Lesha and Kate. They had passes to right
the rest of the way up, but I convinced them to walk
up with me. On the way they cursed me a few time
because it was indeed a pretty tough walk. Not for
me, but you know I am a tough US Military man. It was
tough for the Aussie girls. Well we finally reached
the top and we decided we could have a few beers.
Kate I think was the first girl to ever drink a beer
before me. I was amazed, because I should be able to
drink everyone under the table since I am a squid.
Well we went back down and talked and it seemed they
were also going to Salzburg and staying at the same
hostel. Well that wasn't going to be until a two day
though. Well the next day I just got organized
alittle and headed off for the train station. Of
course I got lost on the train system again, but this
time it really wasn't my fault. I got to Bern from
interlaken pretty easily but I read my ticked to go to
track eleven but there was no track eleven. There was
tracks 9 and 10. Right next to them were tracks 12
and 13. There was no damn track eleven. That kind of
pissed me off but I figured out a way to change my
trip around some but all that really did was get me
lost some more. Well I did finally get to Salzburg.
The next damn day. It was about 5:30 in the morning
when I finally arrived but I couldn't check into the
hostel until 10:00. So I waited in the lounge for 4
and a half hours to check in. But right before I
checked in I met Lesha and Kate again so of course
instead of going to sleep I just went out with them.
Check out the usually sights, like a castle and a
cathedral. After we did that they wanted to go
shopping. Having no desire to shop. I told them I
would just go back to the hostel and go to sleep.
They woke me up a few hours later to go party a little
downstairs. Party we did, I had quite a few beers and
I really cant say much more about that night. The
next day they convinced me to go to the Sound of music
tour. I really didn't want to, but I figured I had
nothing else to do. And not to my surprise it was
indeed quite boring. The only good thing was that we
got to see alot of the Austrian country side. Then
that leaves yesterday and today I went to Munich both
times be really didn't do all that much. I can tell
you more about that later I am running out of time and
this email is getting very big. Talk to you all


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