Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Summer is among us

Well summer is coming up, which means more going outside and working out. Hopefully I can spend most of my days at the beach, swimming and running. Hopefully I will not spend most of my time in the house playing video games, because I will tell you, those damn things are addictive like crack cocaine. Plus I have that half marathon I already signed up for at the end of the summer and since I already paid, I am going to run in, if I am in shape or not.

Maybe we enough money I can finally go sky diving, something I have wanted to do for a while now, but the funds are a little lacking. If I get a job I might just go ahead and get certified, which costs quite a bit of money, but I think would be worth it. Maybe if some people I know want to get certified SCUBA, you know you you are, I can take some boat diving trips or trip out to the quaries. I don't think much more is going to happen this summer for me. Skydiving, half marathon, beach swims and runs and most likely playing video games. Oh and I can't count out the drinking, because you all know I am going to do that.


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