Thursday, November 01, 2007

Cruise Trip, Day One

I think I am going to have a difficult time remembering this cruise.  As I think back all the days kind of merge into one long one.  Could be because I was drunk most of the time, but it could also be that I am writing this a almost a week after I got back and I havent written anything down.  Here I go.

After getting home from work on friday I went back to my house get all my luggage ready and waited for my parents to get ready, since I was driving down to Florida with them.  Finally the time came to take the drive I swore I would never drive again.  The twelve hour drive down to cape canaveral.  The drive went pretty uneventful.  My parents kept taking piss breaks so it add an hour to the drive and I nearly killed everyone in the car in Jacksonville, same this I did last time I was in Jacksonville, at some nasty turn on the highway.  

Well I dont think I mentioned this yet, but I was going on this cruise with my family, which includs my parents, my aunt and uncle, my cousin Mike and myself.  Well my parents and I met the rest of our seafaring family in cocoa beach right next to the waffle house Mike and I ate at last time we went on a cruise.  So of course when we get down there Mike and I ate at the same waffle house again, I think we had to.  That and we didnt want the hotels continental breakfast.  Again I left out a detail, Mike and his parents flew down the night before and stayed in a hotel, sorry.  

Getting back on the story, my parents and I got in at seven in the morning so we had to wait for the ship to start loading.  You know what, I am just going to skip the story ahead a few hours to when we get on board.  Not much really happen between then and it is just boring writing about it.  

We get on the ship and of course, just like last time, we get bombarded but a bunch of waiters to by expensive ass drinks off of them.  Mike and I were a little smarter about it this time though.  We went straight to buying some of the 24 oz fosters.  After about 3 of those we were actually getting a pretty good buzz, so I got a little something to eat and continued to drink until we could go in our rooms.  After we settled in our rooms we went back out to the bars.  Now I could be wrong but I dont think we really met anyone that night, and if I am not mistaken we really didnt drink much the first night.  Those three fast fosters really hit us kind of strong and we contined to drink for a while.  

Now Like I said all the days run together in my head so if anyone that was on the cruise can think of whatelse we did that night let me know.  But other than that I think that is all of what happen on day one.  Not too exciting but the trip does get better.


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