Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Bahama Trip, Day 2

We arrived at Cape Canavaral at about 6:00 in the moring after driving all night. With still 10 hours until our boat leaves we basically just hung around Coco beach for a while. We got something to eat at Waffle house, the only think open at the time, then went to the beaches in Florida. After wasting about an hour or two in Coco beach we headed for our cruise ship to see if we can get on early. Apparently the passengers from the last trip didn't even get out yet so we were stuck waiting for a few hours in the car trying to get a little sleep. As you may expect sleeping in a car underneith the Florida sun is not the most comfortable sleep, so needless to say we didn't get too much sleep. Once it seemed that a lot of the passengers from the last cruise started leaving the parking lot, we back up to the check-in area and they told us we can check in and soon board the ship, but our rooms won't be ready until 1:30.

As we arrived on the boat we started walking around the top few decks. Mainly getting used to the lay out of the ship. Waiters would constently ask us to buy drinks off them, since they would get part of the automatic 15% gratuity. After a little while we bought into their talking and bought a few beers. When I say a few beers I mean we bought, I think, 16 between us. Then we headed to out room to get the listerine bottle out. We filled the listerine bottle with captian morgans before we left for florida. While we were drinking out captian and coke we met some guy that was in the room next to us. He told us that his girlfriend broke up with him right before the trip and he decided to go on the trip nevertheless. While we were drinking with him, he told us that he was not a big drinker and usually only has a beer or two. Mike and I just looked at each other and told him he can drink with us, but we are probably going to be a bad crowd to hang out with. Few more hours of drinking captian and cokes along with beer, we all passed out in our rooms while the ship was headed for Freeport, Bahamas.


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