Thursday, June 23, 2005

Same as usual

So just about nothing has been going on lately. The standard get up late, go to the gym and or beach to workout. Come back home, get something to eat and then maybe go out at night or just stay home and play video games or watch TV. Not too exciting, so I haven't been posting anything. But I do web surf a lot and I figured maybe I can show you guys a video. I guess I can show you a few that I watched today that were, uhh interesting.

On this video let me know what you think is the most painful accident

On this video, well watch and learn not to fuck with a police officer

Pretty funny, at least for Star Wars fans

This one makes me think that the swing rides might not be so boring after all

I guess thats enough for now


Blogger The Lone Zombie said...

You're afraid of that happening. Everytime I am on the swings I hope that happens. 1. it would be a wicked ride 2. you would get a pretty good settlement out of it. That way people wouldn't have to renlist in the military.

4:17 AM  

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