Friday, June 10, 2005

Good things to write about are hard to come by

All week went by and still nothing very exciting happening to me. I can say I went to Sea Shore Wednsday to do a run/swim/run. The route isn't too rough, just run three miles in shaded forest, then swim a mile in the ocean and run back 3 miles to my car. Well I never got to the swim part. Since I was swimming during my workout I decided to wear some board shorts. That was a bad idea, since board short without anything underneith and running long distance = major chafting. After about 2 miles I could really start to feel it bad. So I ran back, well it was more of a walk since walking didn't hurt as much. Well I didn't go running swim it felt like someone snuck a cheese grater between my legs, and it kind of looked that was when I took a shower later on. Next time I do run swim runs I think I am going to wear some speedo's underneither my board shorts, since I don't want to make hamburger out of my crotch again and I wouldn't be caught dead wearing just speedos.

Let see, yesterday I finally bought a suit for the upcoming wedding. Let me tell you, holy shit they are expensive. I was expecting to pay 100 to a max of 200 dollars for a suit. Well, I was unpleasently surprised of the price I paid. I really don't want to say how much it was, since I am embarressed about how much I paid for some cloth.


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