Sunday, May 22, 2005

European Emails

Okay I may have to cut this emal a little short
because of the limited time I have on this computer.
Well anyway, I think I left off las time in Amsterdam.
My last day I really didn't do all that much, just
sat around and walked around the city. Not that
exciting. Then I went to Bruges, Belgium the next
day. I didn't even spend two days there and I think I
walked around the entire city. Not much to do there
in Bruges. The first day all I did was wash my
clothes. All of my clothes were dirty including the
ones I had on. So I took everything off and did my
wash in a pair of workout shorts, tanktop and sandles.
The worst part about that was I had to walk outside
to get to the public laudrymat. I think most of the
locals must have thought...uhh known I was crazy.
Also consider it was about 12 degrees out(celcius).
Well the next day I just started to walk around town
for a while and didn't really do much of anything. If
I go back to Europe I most likely wil not go back to
Belgium. The only real interesting think about
Belgium was the 100 different kinds of beer. I tried
about 6 different kinds and all but one tasted like
crap. It tastes like the put a fruity taste to all of
them. Trust it does not taste good. Well I then went
to London. It was by far the most difficult country
to get in to. The first made my present my passport
and ticket before I got on the train. Which by the
way you never have to do. Then I had to show my
passport again on the train. And finally I had to
fill out a form and show my passport one more time
after the train. Just to get into the UK. This time
they actually scanned my passport and stamped it.
Well once I got here and found my hostel it was about
2100 so I just got something to eat and went to sleep.
Today I went out and saw some things. First I went
to Paralment and Big Ben. Not really that impressive.
After that I went to Westminsters Abbey. That was
alright and would have probably been better if I
didn't already see Rome. All it was was a church they
buried royalty, famous artists and the unknown
soldier. I then went to Buckingham palace and
speakers corner. Neither of which was either that
impressive. The palace was smaller than I thought it
would be, same with Big Ben. And there were no crazy
people speaking there minds at speakers corner. Well
the only real impressive part of London so far was the
British Museum. I wasn't even planning on doing that
either, it was just that I was walking by it to get
home. Well they have all kind of interesting exibits
from across the world including the Rossetta Stone.
Not I am back at the hostel, getting ready to get
something to eat. Well that is about it. London so
far hasn't been all that great. Well at least
compared to the rest of Europe. I guess that is why
most European guide books say to visit London first
and then move on to more exciting places. Well that
is about it.


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