Friday, May 20, 2005

Europe Emails

This was my second mass email to everyone. Oh, I was just told by a friend that some of my writings may be difficult to follow, but I have my excuses. If he was talking about my emails, well that is how they were writen when I first wrote them, and if he was talking about how my normal posting are hard to read, well the site is called the rambling zombie. That and I usually don't proofread any of my posts.

Okay everyone where did I leave off.  In Munich I
believe. Well like I said before I really didn't do
all that much in Munich. I had a HUGE beer that
tasted really good. After drinking just one it gave
me a pretty decent buzz. Well anyway after Munich I
proceeded to Berlin. I only stayed there two days
though I kind of wish I stayed longer. There is a lot
to do there. Much more than I first expected, and
while I was there it was the something like the 12th
reformification day. 12 years ago the Berlin official
because one city again. Well since that happy our
ex-commander in chief was there. And that kind of put
a hampering on the tour I did. Since the block off
Museum Island because old sick willy was in the
museums. Oh well, like I said I did a tour of the
city and saw two museums(the rest were closed because
of the holiday, well closed for everyone except VIPs
like a former US President). The first was Checkpoint
charlie museum. That is were one of the gates were
though the Berlin wall. Well in the museum were a lot
of description about how people tried to get over,
under and through the wall to the west side. After
that museum I went to what is called the Topography of
Terror museum. This one basically explained the Nazis
and what they did to the Jews before and during WW2.
I did see the ex-wall but I really haven't been taking
any pictures anymore because my camera is crapping out
on me. I take three pictures and it says the
batteries are dead. So I don't even bother taking it
with me anymore. I also visited where they will have
the Holocaust museum.
Well after Berlin I went to Amsterdam. Well like
Berlin I didn't do all that much the first day since I
didn't get much sleep on the train and I still had to
check into my hostel. So all I really did was walk
around town during the day get something to eat and
ended my day early. Today I went to the Anne Frank
Museum. Pretty creeping really but how Chief Diaz
described his first ship(sometime in 1492 or something
like that) he had it worse than the frank family.
Well after that I was planning on going to see the Van
Gogh museum but the line(or queue is what the European
and Australian call it) was way too long so I will do
that tomorrow. Instead I just walked around the city
again and got completely lost. I don't think anyone
reading this has been to Amsterdam(I know Dawson
hasn't since he probably hasn't left the base since I
left). But it is quite easy to get lost. Nearly
every street has the same damn name and a canal next
to it. Well anyway I did have a map and eventfully
found my way back to the Hostel. I got something to
eat and headed back out into the city around
2000(08:00pm to all those civilians). I decided hey
why not go to the red light district. While I was
walking there some guy just comes up to me says
"No thanks" was my response though I think
fuck off should have been. Since he continued to bug
"Heroine, speed, extacy" was he second
At that point I just said "No" and walked
off. Not much good though since four other guys tried
to sell me stuff though out the night. Another
creeping thing that happen was an old nasty woman was
walking th stree with high heels and a talking to
every guy going my direction. First it was three guys
ahead of me, then two, then the guy right in front of
me. All of the obviously turning her down. At that
point I was scared because I knew I was next. So
instead of having this old hag walk next to me I
decided to turn around like a coward. But that didn't
bother her, she started walking towards me anyway. I
could tell by the heels of her shoes hitting the
cobblestone street. So I start walking faster. I
hear the shoes hitting faster. Oh uh, I nearly ran
but some old bum came to my rescue. Since he somehow
found her attractive and put out his arms to hug her.
I really didn't see what happen next. I really didn't
want to. Well I did finally arrive in the red light
district. And if anyone wants some sex toys or a
porno just tell me because it would not be difficult
to get. Well besides the sex stores I think you guys
know what else is in the red light district. You
guessed it, the oldest profession. Well the first
girl honestly scared me. I just wasted expecting it
really. She wasn't hanging out the window or
anything, she was just inside a large glass door,
right next to me. Since the street was crowed I don't
think she recognized me. But I got a good glance at
her. She was clothed but barley, but since she
startled me I just turned my head straight again and
kept walking. Then I realized she was not by far the
only one on the street. The whole street was lined
with the large glass doors with red lights surrounding
them. A little more than half had girls in them. I
am only guess but the ones that didn't must have been
uhhhh working. A few of them did notice me and tried
to get me to go the door, but don't worry mom I didn't
do anything. I hear these girls are not the cleanest
of the bunch. It did kind of remind me of a zoo full
of sexy girls (some of them dancing). Kind of fucked
up I guess, but that is what it reminded me of. What
I did do was go got a sex show. To say the least it
was umm interesting. They only have about 6 shows
really that just repeat over and over. I was thinking
that it must be a hard job(pun intended). The shows
did pretty much everything. I really enjoyed the
single girl shows to the guy and girl show. I
particularly enjoyed the Metallica girl. She started
off with a cloak, in the dark playing(dammit I can't
think of the song since they have Smashing pumpkins
blaring in my ear right now) well anyway she
eventfully takes off the cloak to reveal a spiderweb
kind of bikini thing. The dances around taking off
her top first. Then dances more and takes off
everything yet still covering her(mom reading) lower
section. The light then get dark and 'Nothing else
Matters'(Metallica again) starts to play and she gets
out a candle with a rounded end. Well use your
imagination was she did with that. But it was indeed
impressive. Another good one was a girl came off the
stage and got a few guys to dance with her on stage.
Well I didn't because I can't dance but if I knew what
were to happen I would have "danced" anyway.
They danced with her for a little while and a guy in a
monkey suite came out and harassed them alittle. She
then took off her bottom and got out a banana.
Sitting on the towel she just put down she uhhh
inserts the banana. Then tells the two guys to take a
bite. The first guy takes a pretty large but and the
second guy doesn't have much room. Yet he still goes
for the banana. She traps him in her legs for a few
seconds and lets them go back to there seats. I
almost felt like going though the whole show again so
I could "dance" with her. Oh well there is
one more show that was pretty good but considering
there are girls reading these I will leave that out.
After the show I walked though the whole red light
district again. Enjoyed my view and went back to the
hostel. Again having a few guys offer me drugs. Now
I am here writing this email. Nothing else to say.



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