Saturday, May 21, 2005

The military never quits

A short history of my military record is that I enlisted November 1998. After boot camp I lived in Hawaii for a little under 4 years. Then after trying to screw me over, I decided to leave the military, but since it wasn't too awful I decided to stay in the reserves. Well after a few months being a reservest, I get "the call." Yep I get a all expenses paid for vacation to Kuwait. Where I get to sleep on a cot with 12 other stinky fuckers for a few months. But at least I only worked 84 hours a week while I was over there. Thats 14 hours days everyday except once a week. Pretty much just enough time to sleep and eat. So after I got back from that dream vacation I left the reserves. Not even really because of the deployment, but mainly because being a reserves is boring.

Well a few weeks ago I got a letter from the Navy saying I need to call a number to do a "readiness test." Hmmm that got me thinking bad thoughts. Well I call thew number and I get a computerized directory. First thing it says "If you are calling to volunteer for service or reporting for IRR 'readiness test' press 1. If you would like to blah blah blah..........." well I thought about it for a second. SHIT, those bastards are going to make me renlist. Well I pressed o the number 1 on the telephone and talked to some person about my date with the reserve center, thinking to myself, why did they group volunteering with mandatory readiness.

Well I downloaded a sheet I am suppost to fill out for "recording" purposes. This sheet asks me about my employment, dammit great time to not have a job, looking like a pretty good canidate so far. Next question is about my marital status, serves me right for not getting married, I am now an even better canidate. What is your age and medical status, I am so glad I am healthy young male, put another plus sing on my "record." Last question, do I have any hardships that could prevent me from future mobilization...............DAMMIT, I am sure I can think of something.

Well tomorrow I am going to the mandatory muster, to see if I am an eligable canadite for mobilization. But more like seeing how fast they can get me back in the US Navy uniform. Well, wish me luck, I might be happy to join back up, if the bonus is good. Well more like DAMN HOLY SHIT THATS A LOT OF MONEY good.

Information Systems Technician Second Class(IT2) reporting out.


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