Monday, June 06, 2005

Rough weekend

Saturday was a friends bachlor party, god rest his soul. That was pretty fun, but I am not going to say too much about it other than I got kind of drunk. Well I got really drunk and after smoking a cigar, my stomach wasn't feeling too great. I didn't get back home until 6:30 in the morning and only sleeped a few hours before I went to my fathers birthday party, kind of. My dad's birthday was Sat but he didn't really do anything so he had a birthday party over at his house with some of people from his baseball team. There I had some more beer, since there was beer pong I couldn't resist. I am not used to getting drunk twice in one weekend anymore, but I should get more used to it, since I need to play a game of Ultra Man, AKA Centaurion man. That game is pretty basic. You start friday night and end sunday night and you must drink 100 12 ounze beers during that time. I think I can do it.


Blogger .::PaLoMa::. said...

I was just looking for other blogs to read, and I found yours.
I can tell u had a rough weekend, don't drink that much.
But, what's the thing u have to do??? Drink 100 12 ounze beers??? Will u be able to do that?? Tell me if u live...
Bye now..take care

3:33 PM  

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