Friday, May 27, 2005

Europe Emails

Hello again everyone,
This is going to be one of my last emails from Europe. I am now in Barcelona, Spain. I haven´t sent an email since London so let me start there. On my second day in London was better than my first. On my second day I went to the Tower of London. Saw the armory and where they would keep prisoners. It´s not really a tower like I thought. It really looks like a castle. It has a small tower in the middle of the castle. That is called the White tower. That is
where most of the prisoners where held, and that was the main attration. There was also the Blood Tower, named after two kids where murdered there and there body really haven´t been discovered until a few years ago. Also in the Tower of London where the Royal Family Jewels. I can´t remember everything that was there, but there was the crown with the HUGE diamond in it. All in all the Tower was a good experience. After the Tower I went to St Paul Catherdral. That reminded me of St Peters Catherdral. Not quite as big though, but close. At St Pauls I walked to the top which was something like 800 steps. Quite a walk really and at the top it didn´t give much room. I had a hard time getting through some of the passageways. Well once I got to the view was excellent. I could see the entire city of London from it. Well my next day I headed off to Paris. Paris was a very nice city, and it seemed that the French were the nicest people of all of Europe except for maybe the Germans. Well anyway, I first went to the Effiel Tower but I only could get to the second level since it was over crowed at noon. So instead of wait in line I walked over to the Arc de Triuphm. Looked around there alittle and took the metro to Notre Damn. That was a big Catherdral too, but not as big as St Peters or St Pauls. It did look more gothic though. That night I went out with another America and tried to pick up some french girls, but we couldn´t find the local hang out. So we just went to a resterant/bar. Ordered a few very expensive beers and talked until we saw too girls outside the resterant sitting down. We both thought they had to be french since one was wearing an extremely think turtle neck. Well as it turns out they were both from America too. One was living here for a long time though. So we talked to them and learned that they were both about 10 years older than us(not really a bad thing), but one was married. So that kind of put the red light on. One was married and there were two of us. Well we stuck in there a little longer by going to a mexican bar, but once we had enough of that place. We told them we had to get back to the hostel or it was going to lock us out(which was the truth, and it didn´t look like we could go back to there place). Well I don´t know what they put in those french beers, but that had to be the worst hangover I had in years. I felt it since the next night. And the guy I was with told me he puked in the subway, along with other places. Well as you could imagine I really didn´t feel like doing much that day. So I just went and got my reservation for Barcelona. At night I went back to the Effiel Tower since two girls told me that is wasn´t very crowed at night. So I went back and it as they said wasn´t extremely crowed like at noon. I was able to get to the top, and that must have been the best view I have had since I was in Europe(Switzerland may have beaten it but since it was cloudy while I was there). Well I could see the whole city like at St Pauls but I could see outside of paris also. It was remarkable, but for some reason a lot of couples go there at night, and I think there was this one couple that may have been stuck togeather. The next day in Paris was my last, but I had a night train so I could stay there nearly all day. So for pretty much the whole day I went to the Louvre. Yeah the WHOLE DAY I was at the lourve, and one section was actually under repairs. Well there was still a lot to see there. I think it is the biggest Museum in Europe and maybe the world. Well I >saw a lot of exibts including the two famous ladies. Mona Lisa and Venus de Milo. The problem with those two were the japanense. It seems that in a whole group of them. Each one has to get a picture by themselves. So each one would try to get a picture of themselved with it. Well I was getting agravated with them so I tried as hard as possible to get in as many pictures as I could. There must be about 30 or 40 profile pictures of me in all the cameras that day. Well I went to Barcelona that night and got there at about 0800 in the morning. I didn´t get to my Hostel until about 1200 because it was an extremely difficult place to find. The Dirrections on the website tell how to get to the right Metro stop, but then it says it is just a three minute walk away. I figured that is was right in plain view. How wrong I was. So I had the number to the place so I called them. They told me just walk to the beach and turn at a foutain. Okay, uhhhhh which way was the beach. So I started to walk the direction I thought was corrected, But I didn´t see a foutain. So I asked someone "Adonde es la plaja" good thing I remembered some spainsh. Well it looked like I was going to the right direction, but still no damn foutain. Well as it seems I had to look left to see the foutain, because it was past an alleyway inside a courtyard. Well let me tell you it was hell finding that place. After I found the place I went to see the famous church that Gaudi was building before he died. I can´t remeber the exact name right now though. It was a very neat looking church though. Hard to explain what it looks like, but very interesting. Then that leaves today. I went to the beach today. Pretty much all day. As it turns out it was a topless beach, but I didn´t want to just sit down next to some topless girl and start gawking so I picked a place next to a girl that was pretty much clothed. Then her friend comes wereing a very small bottom and a sweater. She takes off the sweater and she isn´t whereing anything underneither. So of course I am happy about this. So I start talking to them. First by asking if they speak english. And seeing if they would watch my stuff while I go walk around. Well I came back in about 5 minutes and talked to them some more. Well I think I was fighting a losing battle and I didn´t convince them to take me to there place. Soon after they started getting dressed and were getting ready to leave, so I just got up and left before them. I didn´t want to make it look like I was going to follow them. Well now I am here. Tonight I will probably just drink some beers and go to sleep.


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