Monday, June 13, 2005

May god have mercy on Pete

I was just at my friend Pete's funeral the other day, poor guy. Wait, I mean his wedding, not funeral. For some reason I always get those two mixed up. They have many similarites such as getting a certificate, both are religious and both signifies the end of one's life. So here's to you Pete, wherever you are right now.

His wedding was a pretty good one at least. The actual wedding didn't last very long, only about 20 minutes, although I was late since I couldn't find my wallet after changing into my suit. After the cerimony there was a 3 hour break before the reception began so myself and a few other people decided to go to Kelly's, a resturant/bar, until the reception started. We had a few beers and something to eat while I talked to a few of Pete's cop friends that I haven't met before.

Once 6 o'clock rolled around I left Kelly's and drove to the reception. I had it in my mind that the reception was at the Officers club in Oceana Naval Base since I get the invitation. So I drove there and presented the gate guard with my license. Well they took the license and I can only assume pretended to read a piece of paper before they let me in. The funny thing about that is that the reception wasn't on this base, it was a Dam Neck naval base. So they gate guard should have never let us in. So I was driving around this base looking for the officers club and some people I knew. Of course this never happen since I was at the wrong place. Well, after calling some people I learned that this was indeed the wrong place and quickly made my exit from Oceana and proceded to Dam Neck.

Once at the reception I don't think I made any other stupid mistakes. All in all it was a fun time and so was the after party at Brian's place. Not much more to say about that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

jeez, It cant be that bad.

8:59 AM  

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