Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Day at the Beach

I went to the beach the other day with a friend to go swimming. If you swim 7 blocks it is a half a mile. So we decided to swim from 36 street to the End of the Cavalier. There are less people on the higher streets. So we walk up to the Lifeguard there and I start talking to her tell her that we are going to go swimming north and that we will be out some distance and not to whistle us to come in. While I am talking to her, she is repling with "Yah yah, you guys are swimmer then?" With a thick eastern europe accent. So we finally get down with the swim and are walk back to 36 street to pick up our stuff to leave and as we are walking by her stand I give her a thankyou wave and she replies "Alright guys, see ya later." without any kind of accent anymore.

So I was wondering, is this girl really from easter europe and maybe she just learned the "alright guys, see ya later" from people around her. That way she might not have an accent with it. Or was she just fucking with us the first time, because I remember fucking with tourist when I was a lifeguard.


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