Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Mistakes with Star Wars Episode 1

I am going to let the dork side out of me here and post about Star Wars. I am going to comment on how Lucas just down right fucked up with a good thing. While there are some mistakes with episode 4 5 and 6, I am just going to focus on the first 3, where Lucas really messed up and disapointed me and many other Star Wars fans.

Episode One
- Starting Anikin(Darth Vader) out as a 6 year old boy. What a perfect way to waste an entire 2 hour movie.
- Pod racing, damn that is a boring part of the movie. The first time I saw it in the theaters I though it was boring. Now it is just an awful part of the movie. And what a great way to waste half the movie on a boring ass pod race. Wouldn't have been needed if Anikin wasn't 6.
- Jar Jar Bink. I really don't have to say anymore, but I will. I think Lucas was trying to figure out how he could make C3PO less of an annoying character by relavance.
- Anikin made C3PO? What the hell and why is this needed at all.
- R2D2 in the first episode too? Again, why?
- Gave Darth Maul about 8 minutes of screen time, then killed him. Pretty much the best part of the trilogy and he kills him off. Understandable that he couldn't give much to the story but come on Lucas, get your head out of your ass.
- How Darth Maul dies. The only thing more upsetting than Darth Maul dying, was how he died. I will set the scene if you don't remember. Maul was standing above Obi Wan while Obi Wan was hanging on a ledge. Obi Wan jumps up over Maul, does a flip and grabs Qui Gons lightsaber, then lands and chops Maul in half. He pulls this move on a guy that was dueling two jedi at the same time, and killed a master jedi. I would have seen that coming. Maul was not only looking at him, has jedi powers and already has his lightsaber in his hand and on. I would have believed it more if Obi Wan force pulled him into the chasm than that bullshit.

Leave a comment if you disagree, or left anything out. It was a long movie and I am sure I left something out.


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