Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Mistakes with Star Wars Episode 2

I may have to watch this one again since it is not very fresh in my memory but

Here are some Episode 2 mistakes

- The whole love scene between Anikin and Padme could have been shorten. That was the most boring part of the movie and shouldn't have but cut down a bit
- Count Dooku. A very boring bad guy, how could Lucas go from Darth Maul to this guy, and he doesn't die at the end of this one.
- Jango Fett dies. Okay I guess there was no more need for this character but still. He is the best villian in this episode and of course Lucas kills him off.
- Yoda fight Dooku at the end. At first I was excited about this match up, but what the hell was going on in this fight. I just saw a green blur, you know Mace Windu could have fought Dooku off. Just a thought.

I know I am missing alot on this one. It just isn't that fresh in my head so let me know if you disagree or if I am missing anything.


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