Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Mistakes with Star Wars Episode 3

While I did like this movie I notice a lot of what the fuck Lucas parts in it. Here they are.

Mistakes with Episode 3
- What the hell was with the little driods taking Obi Wan ship apart. Who would design some stupid shit like that. You know if you made those droids explosive they would work MUCH better.
- I won't go into why gravity was changing while they were in the ship orbiting the planet.
- Chops Mace Windu's hand off. I might be able to buy that he didn't see that coming but it would have been much better if Mace and Anikin fought and Anikin defeated him.
- After he did help Palapatine kill Mace he was destrought. He could believe what he just did and then palapatine asks if he would like to join the dark side and Anikin says, sure why not. Hopefully I was not the only one who didn't buy that.
- Anikin killed all the kid jedi. So he wants to save Padme so bad that he will kill 20 or so kid jedi. Didn't really buy that either.
- Anikins Defeat to Obi Wan. So let me get this straight, Obi Wan had the higher ground making it able for him to chop off both of anikin's legs and arm. That was so ridiculous Obi Wan should have just said, "you jump up here Anikin and I am going to pull some cheap ass Darth Maul win on you."
- Anikin puts on the Darth Vader outfit and the Emperor say, "hey uhhhh the reason padme dies was because you went to the dark side, isn't that something" Now being that he just turned to the dark side, I think Anikin would have been a little pissed off at Palapatine and killed him right there, or at least tried.

Okay, I am sure I missed a few things with this one too, so let me know.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You've seen all 3 Star Wars movies???

3:31 PM  
Blogger Random Princess said...

OMG dude are u stupid!!!!
There were 6 movies not # the last three were the most resent<< i think i spelled that wronge

2:39 PM  

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