Friday, August 12, 2005

Bahama Trip, Day 3

After waking up is a slight drunken slumber, Mike and I left the boat around 9 in the morning. We ran into Nelson on our way off the boat and for some reason he decided to join us. Well we looked around the port for a taxi and finally found one for 10 dollars for a round trip to the nearest tourist town. It turned out to be a quite a distance away from the port and well worth the 10 bucks. We arrived on the beach about 10 and Mike and Nelson went swimming in the ocean while I went to look for something to drink, since I didn't bring my bathingsuit. Less than an hour after arriving in Freeport(the port we were visiting, I forgot to mention that) we were pretty much bored. The place seemed to be more of an industrial area than a tourism area. Well since we had until 4 to get back on the ship we had to find something to do. So we found a nearby bar and had a few drinks. At least it started out with just a few drinks.

They had a special on the local beer called Kalik, or something like that, 2 for 7 bucks. This beer was pretty big and had a 5% alcohol in it. Not a bad deal, Mike and I had these while nelson took back a few Coronas. After about 6 beers the bartender, Carissa, gave us each a shot and asked us what was in it. I guess this was to warm us up to start doing shots, which it did. After her shot we did a few more. Prarie Fire, Tequila, Surfer on Acid, and a bunch of shooters, which were a dollar a piece. Unfortunally for Nelson he just barely got the Tequila shot down before he puked it back up. During this time a 6 foot plus black guy weighing 250+ wearing a tank top shorts and dreadlocks starts talking to us. Mike and I both thought this guy was just a local trying to either get some free drinks off of us or sell us drugs. Turns out this guy was a guest on the ship. Which later on I felt bad about because we gave this guy some serious shit.

First I thought I saw him try to pick pocket Nelson, which to this day I am not sure if he was doing that or not. Soon after Mike and I started getting into the guys face. Telling him that he was a fake and he was a thief. Basically accusing him of anything and everything because his story just didn't add up. After the bar, this guy starts riding back to the ship with us. I am behind him and Mike is infront of him. Throughout the entire taxi ride we are all yelling at him and accusing him of all kinds of shit. At one point I nearly put the guy in a sleeper hold and mike is about to upper cut him in the jaw. Finally we leave the taxi without getting into any kind of physical fighting and it turns out that this guy doesn't have any money on him. I still don't know why I did it, but I paid for his ride. We all get on the boat and pass out, getting our bodies ready for drinking again the next day.

Oh and as far as Nelson went. He puked on the bar twice, once on the floor, twice in the bathroom and continued spitting up in a plastic cup we gave him. I think he had about 6 beers and 3 or 4 shots. Mike and I had about 8 beers and 10 to 12 shots. Started to lose track after the tequila shots.


Blogger The Lone Zombie said...

You know inpm42mecd your comment has nothing to do with my entry.

6:52 PM  

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