Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Bahama Trip, Day 4

I have tried to write this post two times before but my internet connection drops off on me and I lose my post. I think the internet connection is fixed now, so I can finally write the rest of my post, if I can remember it.

The next day after waking up kind of early since I went to bed at 8 or so, Mike and I left the boat pretty early to get an early start in Nassau. We saw some guys renting scooters and decided that it would be in our best interested to rent the scooters and travel all over the island free diving at different beaches. Unfortunatley for me I never rode a scooter before, like mike has. We started off in some heavy traffic and driving on the opposite side of the road. Not the best place for me to do a crash course in scooter driving, which exactly what it was. After about five minutes of driving, Mike goes around a large flat bed truck and I follow him, unfortunatley I am not as good with a scooter as he is and I crash the damn thing into a wall. I really didn't get hurt but I busted up the two mirrors, which I had to pay for later.
Other than the first crash the ride went pretty smoothly. We went from beach to beach as planned. One beach mike was swimming in a school of fish and told me to look, then he told me that a barracuda is following him. I looked down and decided it was about time to get the hell out of there.
Around 11 or so I was noticing that I was already getting sun burnt and that I needed to get some sun tan lotion since I was going to be out here until 5. Well I found the sun tan lotion but it did me little good. Since part of my back and arms were purple and swollen by the time the sun went down.
After sunset I took a shower and Mike and I went to the bar that was pretty much created for cruise boat tourists, but not a bad bar. The drinking "age" was that you had to be 4 feet tall, and they made a drink that was a fish bowl sized filled with about 2/3rds 151 and 1/3rd fruit punch. I don't know what it was called but two of those put me on my ass. So we just went to bed after a few of those drinks.