Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Day two of Vegas vacation

So I went to sleep around 3 in the morning knowing I have to wake up at about 5 to get ready to go to the airport and get through the security there. My phone alarm goes off at 5 and it seemed like I only got 2 hours of sleep, but I still got up. Now I had to get everyone else up and take a shower. By the time we get to the airport it is 6 something and our flight boards in less than an hour. We get to the security line and it only has one group of people checking bags and the line goes back maybe a quarter of a mile. So naturally we pretty much think we are screwed. There is no way we are going to make it through this line in less than an hour. As it turns out, they opened a few more lines and we made it to the terminal just as the plane was boarding.

The plane ride pretty muched sucked. Cramped seats and now the airlines are making you buy your food on the plane, so I bought a little snack, but not enough to hold me over very long.

We arrived in vegas at 9 something in the morning. We took a limo to our hotel, because you know we are all high rolling college students. Actually I think the limo driver was going there anyway and it was pretty cheap. We arrived at the hotel and luckly the hotel allowed us to check in early. So we went to our rooms and on the way up myself and a few others bought some cheap liquor so we could get fucked up on our first day. After about an hour of drinking and half a bottle later we got out and started gambling and getting some free drinks from the casinos. Not really too free though, since they took all my money.

Later that night we just walked the Las Vegas Strip. Checked out the casinos and went to the bars. Not too exciting of a night. But we got pretty drunk and had fun.

Day one in Vegas Trip

I decided I should probably write about my vegas trip while it is still in somewhat recent memory. But it might take me more than one post since I a lot of shit happen during the time I was there. My first adventure was getting to philidelphia to fly out there. With my tags on my car still expire for, lets say a while. I sure as hell can't drive the 250 miles up there. So I had to get my parents to drive me to my Uncles house in maryland who took me the rest of the way. Once I arrived in philidelphia my cousin, who I went to vegas with, wanted to get some steak sandwhiches with his friends from pennstate, who are also going to vegas. Instead of going to the steak sandwhich shop 2 miles away, he wants to go to Gino's. Gino's is one of the first steak sandwhich places, and it is the place you see if a football game is being played in philly and you see John Madden's fat ass eating a steak or five. One more interested place about Gino's is that they successfully treat their customers like shit. If you ever seen the Sinfield episode about the soup nazi, this is pretty much just like it. Basically you stand in a single file line and once you get to the register you tell them what you want, with a little twist. You have to say it how it is on the menu. You can make a mistake or two but that's it. Anymore than two mistakes and they will not serve you. If you don't like what you got, too bad because you are now stuck with it and they are keeping your money. Well, I orderd the steak and didn't make any mistakes with the order so I was aloud to eat, thank you gino's, fuckers.

So anyway, we drive back to my cousin's house and we really wanted to gamble, like we weren't going to get enough of that in vegas. We decide to play a few games of texas holdem. I am sure you have seen that game on numerous channels on TV. Including ESPN, ESPN 2, E, and a few others that I am not sure the name of. If you know anything about the game I will tell you I lost the first game on a bluff that I had a straight. Kind of sucks, but thats what happens when you bluff. The second game I was the first person out. I was already pretty low in money and I had two J in the pocket(dealt to me). Then on the flop(first three cards dealt) was a J 7 and 5. With three J I felt pretty confident I was going to win this hand but I didn't want to scare everyone out. So I put in a decent size bid, just to warm up. The turn card (next card delt) showed an 8. This time I bet pretty large. nearly everyone jumped out at this point, just two people left in the hand. So the next card (river card) shows a 4. All the cards were shattered suits, so there was no chance of getting a flush. But a pretty large chance of getting a straigh with 8, 7, 5, and 4 showing. All they need was a 6 and they won. I calculated the odds of that and why anyone would have stuck around after the river card and the big bet I had then in hops of a striaght. So I went all in and got beat with a pair of 6s. that my uncle had.

We did some other things that night, but mainly just bullshitted the entire time until about 3 in the morning, when I went to bed, since our flight was at 7:45 in the morning and we had to get to the airport by 6 to get through security on time.