Sunday, November 04, 2007

Cruise Trip, Day Three

Our first port of call day, Mike and I woke up pretty late. The ship already docked but we couldn't get off the ship because of another carnival cruise ship named Ecstasy was still coming in. Well we went up to the lido dent to meet everyone we were hanging out with last night, but it turns out nobody was there. We were pretty sure we got ditched so we just got some food and prepared to leave the boat. Right before we were about to head down the the bottom deck to leave we bump into Tara and Leslie. We ask them if they know where the rest of the group is but they haven't seen anyone else either so all four of us now make our way to exit the ship. As we are walking off the ship Mike makes a few rude comments about the other ship and suggests that we get a Jeep to roam around the island. As we are inquiring the locals on how to get a jeep, the girls wander off and again I was pretty sure we just got ditch, again. It turns out they didn't go to far and we just scrapped the jeep idea and hailed a taxi. We all got in and headed to mr sanchos or senor sanchos or something like that, I really dont remember the name.

We arrived at mr sanchos pretty quickly, and met up with our parents. I honestly didn't know we were going to meet them there but I should have figured since my aunt and uncle were talking about how nice the place was earlier. We then introduced them to Leslie and Tara and started drinking again. The place was a pretty nice place I guess, kind of touristy but what can you expect from a place a cruise ship drops you off. The water wasn't as nice and I was expecting either. I guess it was kind of choppy and the waves were churning up the sand to knock the visibility down.

By the time I got out of the water, Mike and Tara rented a jet ski while everyone else ordered some food. Not much happen at mr sanchos that I can remember. The hot sauce was pretty hot and the food of decent. We did do some tequila shots though. For some reason Mike and Tara really didn't like the first shot that I bought. Leslie and I really weren't excited about doing tequila and we were the ones that didn't bitch about it. After a few more shots and a few more beers we headed back to the ship, but since we had a hour before we had to get on we went the senor frogs. We had a few more drinks there, some mute blowing a whistle got us to drink some blue sugar water for 5 dollars a piece, we saw some drunk guy puke and pass out on the sidewalk and I think the girls danced in a conga line or some shit. As we were going back to the ship Mike wanted to relive his experience with jumping into the pier in Mexico so he ask the port authority if he could. They were saying we couldn't but at the same time they were saying they didn't give a shit if we did. So of course like a bunch of assholes we jump in. As I was swimming back to the pier I saw a security guard come up to me. I won't lie, I was kind of scared when I saw him, but after I tried climbing back onto the pier I was kind of glad, because without his help, there was no way in hell I was going to make it. So after helping me out of the water he asks us for our IDs and cruise cards. Now again I was scared I was going to be fined or put in the brig for being an asshole, but it turns out they just escorted us to the ship and gave us back our things.

After getting back on board we headed to the lido deck bar again, and this was the night I got completely hammered. Apparently some kind of party started at the bar just a few hours after we got there and started drinking. I don't remember any of that. I just remember drinking a lot of drinks, talking to a lot of people and being the only asshole in a damn bathing suit. I do remember talking to the other guy from Green Bay, I forget his name though. Oh uh just to interject, I forgot to introduce Tara and Leslie other than by name. Tara works for a news paper, which won her the cruise, and Leslie works for an eye doctor. They are sisters and both live in Green Bay. Which is why it was odd to talk to the Green Bay guy right after they left, lets call him Don. So Don started talking to us and we learned that he was from Green Bay, which made Mike and I kind of curious. This guy was in his 40s to 50s and started talking to us, right after Tara and Leslie left, and he was from Green Bay. It wouldn't be too far fetched to think that this guy was related to them in some way. Especially after he started asking question like how old I was and shit like that. Turns out that the girls didn't know him and all and he was just small talking us, but still kind of strange. Well the rest of the night went pretty much like every other drunken night. I did some how get into a conversation with a complete and certified nut though. He was talking some kind of crazy non-sense and beating on his chest. Kind of scary, I thought for sure I was going to get into a fight with this guy, but Mike comes up to me and says I have a shot at the bar to drink, saving me from that nut. Mike also introduced everyone to chocolate cake shots, which Don loved, and told his numbers joke about million more times. We finally went to sleep around three in the morning knowing full well that we had to be up by seven to go SCUBA diving all damn day tomorrow in Belize.


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