Friday, November 02, 2007

Cruise Trip, Day Two

Like I said before I am really fuzzy on the things we did on which days but I forgot to mention that we met the oshkosh boys the previous day.  It turns we will see quite a bit of those guys thoughout the trip, mainly at the bar.

To continue the story, Mike and I woke up about the time our steward came in our room.  Dont really remember his
name since we were just calling him whatever. We asked him about the beers that Mike brought in and if we could put them in the mini fridge.  He told us we could but just to take out the other stuff and put it in the closet.  The day went pretty uneventful until the night came.

After dinner with out parents again, Mike and I, who were drunk already, went to the lido deck bar for a few more drinks.  I think we went to some show that night too, but hell if I remember that.  I do remember mike telling his damn "pick a number between 2 and 9" joke, which by the way is so old that I think Archimedes came up with it after he figured out how to find the surface area of a sphere.  I have no idea how he tricked anyone on it, but hey who am I to judge.
Anyway, we were basically drinking a lot of beer and doing a lot of shots all night.  Also I am pretty sure this was the night I snuck into the employee party.  I remember that because I was still wearing the shirt and tie from dinner that night.  That was a pretty interesting situation.

So I was drinking all damn day and night and of course I am drunk as hell.  I started to walk around the ship and walked up to a dead end with a door that said employees only.  I wasn't about to walk all the way back so I said 'fuck it, what are they going to do, throw me off the boat?'  So I walked into the door.  This was part of the ship that didnt have all the shine and show of the rest of the boat, so I knew I was in a place I really wasnt suppost to be.  I even saw a few crew members look at me like 'what the fuck is he doing here.'  Well to make a long story short I walked around in these corridors for a while until I saw a way out.  I passed some more employees and one asked if I was a crew memeber and I responded 'You betcha.'  I then walked into the back of the ship where the collapsable ceiling was.  I noticed a whole bunch of people with uniforms, and name tags on.  It didnt take me long to know that I was  in some kind of employee party.  I tried talking to some people but there were pretty much ignoring that I was even there.  Pretty rude actually but they proabaly didnt speak english.  After a while of just sitting there watching I went up to the bar.  The bartender was pretty cool about me being there.  I knew he knew I wasn't a customer and asked what I wanted anyway.  Just about then I felt a tap on my shoulder and a security guard told me that this was a private party and I had to go.  Pretty damn rude if you ask me, I just wanted a damn beer.  

After getting kicked out of that party, I met Mike at the lido deck, where this is the time I think I met Tara and Leslie.  They are both in a very select group of people on board that I actually remembered the names of.  We started to talk to them, and a guy they met earlier.  He was a cool 
guy but not in the select group of people.    So I am sorry I dont remember his name.  He did have a pretty hot wife that kept him on a short leash after this night though.  Well all five of us made our way around the boat, and if I am not mistaked we all met Hillary and Jen that night.  Actually I didnt meet them, but Mike and Tara were talking to them down the bar from the rest of us.  Well the night was getting late and it went back to the five of us where we just went to the lido bar one more time to order a few more drinks.  Then we made the arrangement to meet back there in the morning to go out in town in Cozumel.


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