Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Cruise Trip, Day Six

Day six on the cruise went pretty uneventful.  It was another "fun day at sea" which just means they are traveling between ports and you are stuck on a ship to spend your money on gambling and alcohol.  Well I really didn't feel like gambling and for some reason didn't really drink that much either.  For the first half of the day I just wondered around the ship, going to some of the ship board events and going to the shops, but none of those things really peaked my interest.  I also wondered my way to the casino a few time to see how my dad, uncle and Mike were doing.  Early in the day I don't think they were doing so hot.  I also went back to my room a few times, watched a movie or two.  I really don't remember them because honestly they weren't very good.  I do remember going to my room and some maintence guy was outside the room because their was a leak in our room.  What a piece of shit room we had.  A dark, arm pit smelling, water leaking shit hole our room was.  I am pretty sure our room was the worst room on the cruise that I knew about.  But I guess it really didn't matter up to this point since I would just shower, change and pass out drunk in the room.  Today though, trying to watch a movie in the stink hole was different.  

Well the first half of the day kind of sucked and the second half wasn't much better.  Mike and I went to dinner with our parents, where Edgar our waiter showed us another one of his tricks.  We then went back the to casino where I think Mike started to get lucky at the craps table.  I think Jenn was there again, and she seemed to be pretty lucky.  Even with her luck I really didn't feel like gambling so I went back to my room, watch some TV and fell asleep.  Only to have Mike walk in the room at midnight confessing that he was up some 500 dollars and he just came back to the room to take a break or some shit.  He was also getting a little drunk, but that didn't stop him from going back to the casino to lose 200 of that winnings.  I even think I remember him saying that he put $100 on black on the the roulette wheel, which he lost.

That pretty much ended the night for both of us, actually I think we went back up to the lido deck to get some pizza at 3 in the morning but we didn't do anything too exciting thats for sure.


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