Sunday, December 02, 2007

Cruise Trip, Day Seven

Well this is the last day on the cruise and we pull into freeport bahamas.  Mike and I went to this place last time we went on a cruise and all we did was drink at a bar.  It was still a pretty fun time though so I had high expectations.  The bar we went to last year had two pretty cool girls tending the bar and giving us free shooters, so of course it was fun.  

This time we left the boat with our parents because we knew we needed a full taxi and we were both going to the only place to go.  I forget the name of the place everyone on the boat went to, but it was your typical tourist area complete with cheap tourist merchandice and nick nacks.  Our moms and my dad go to those places first while Mike, my uncle and I check out the beach.  At the beach we meet, Ron or Todd or whatever his name is, the guy from Green Bay.  We talk to him for a while and convince him to go to the bar with us, it wasn't very tough.  

We get to the bar area and we sit at the same bar Mike and I were at last year.  We ask the bartender about the girls we meet last time, but they weren't working that day so we had to settle for the lady that was, who by the way was slow and tried to rip me off.  We were at the bar for about an hour or so before low and behold Tara and Lesley, got your name right now, show up.  They told us they knew were to find us because they knew we would be at the bar,  not sure how they figured that out.  So now almost everyone is at the bar, I get my mom to to actually drink a beer and Tara keeps buying us shooters to go with the beers.  After a short while we are getting a pretty good buzz going but it is about time to head back to the boat.  

We get back to the boat, but not before stopping at one more bar right on the pier.  Our parents go up first and tell us to get some pizza from the shop and meet them in there room.  I really don't know why, kind of weird actually.  I don't think I would have ever do it but Tara and Lesley seemed to want to so who the fuck was I to say no.   After some pizza Tara, Lesley, Mike and myself leave for the lido deck bar for I think the last time.  We get there, drink some more and then get ready to all go to dinner.  I am suprisingly not drunk at all at this point, maybe a slight buzz but I guess my tolerence got knocked up a few points in the last week.  So we have one finaly dinner and then go back to the bars.  This time our whole family, and all four girls show up at the piano bar, but our parents quickly leave to get their old person sleep for departure tomorrow.  After a few shots that I encouraged everyone else to do and another bar or two we all left for the casino.

Before we reach the casino Lesley is the first to stop drinking, all I remember is her down the stairs saying that she has to go to bed, so that is the last time I see her.  As we reach the bar Jenn is very excited about going to the craps table but Tara and Hillary decide to stay at the casino bar.  So as we are kicking ass on the craps table Hillary shows up and I ask about Tara but she Hillary said she went back to her room.  So, I might have been wrong on the boat, and I might have been wrong in Mexico but Tara and Lesley finally ditch us, on the last night of the cruise.  We still have Jenn and Hillary hanging in though.  Actually I was doing pretty good, and Mike was doing pretty good but I don't remember Jenn doing so well on the craps table that night.  Well as with every night I played craps 1:30 rolls around and they clost the craps table, pretty much ending the night on the last day of the cruise.  

The next day went pretty standard, my parents and I left the ship and drove back to virginia as Mike and his parents went to Orlando to fly home.  Mike called me when we got home and some how only beats me home by a half hour.  


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