Monday, July 04, 2005

Japanese are weird

After months of watching videos of Japenese and other eastern countries are I thought I would give you guys a little taste. These videos are basically the ones I have just seen this past week.

Some video game

Another video game

Somthing I kind of want to do actually

Something about this commercials appeals to me, although I am not sure what it is

Friday, July 01, 2005

it has been a week

A little over a week actually and nothing new or exciting or funny has happened to me. I am sorry I can't think of any good stories to tell or experiences that happen. I have been having very real like dreams lately. Most of the time my dreams are super crazy, stuff like me being chased by vampires or monsters of some kind only to be kill in the end. Or thing might just be like a normal day but nothing that happens makes any sense at all. Like I would walk from one room to the other and I would walk into a cave that is in my house or a store in my house. But as of lately I have just been having normal dreams, and very real like. I would dream I am driving to the supermarket in my car, listening to the radio and I would walk down the isles buying various food that I usually get. The dreams are so real that I wonder what happen to the stuff I bought at the store the last time I was there. Just today I went into the refrigerator to get some iced tea I just bought at the store only to be disapointed and thirsty.

Another thing I want to say is about a new growing religion in Canada, Great Britian and now Australia. The religion being, Jedi. Yes, you read that correctly. Right now a census in Great Britain has jedi being around 10,000 people. They have so many jedi out there that the GB government has to change many public surveys and forms to have jedi avaible as a check off religion. Don't get me wrong, I am a huge Star Wars fan, but come on. I think that may be pushing the limit on Star Wars fanaticism(I think that is a word). Just when I though Scientology was the goofiest religion around.