Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Bahama Trip, Day 4

I have tried to write this post two times before but my internet connection drops off on me and I lose my post. I think the internet connection is fixed now, so I can finally write the rest of my post, if I can remember it.

The next day after waking up kind of early since I went to bed at 8 or so, Mike and I left the boat pretty early to get an early start in Nassau. We saw some guys renting scooters and decided that it would be in our best interested to rent the scooters and travel all over the island free diving at different beaches. Unfortunatley for me I never rode a scooter before, like mike has. We started off in some heavy traffic and driving on the opposite side of the road. Not the best place for me to do a crash course in scooter driving, which exactly what it was. After about five minutes of driving, Mike goes around a large flat bed truck and I follow him, unfortunatley I am not as good with a scooter as he is and I crash the damn thing into a wall. I really didn't get hurt but I busted up the two mirrors, which I had to pay for later.
Other than the first crash the ride went pretty smoothly. We went from beach to beach as planned. One beach mike was swimming in a school of fish and told me to look, then he told me that a barracuda is following him. I looked down and decided it was about time to get the hell out of there.
Around 11 or so I was noticing that I was already getting sun burnt and that I needed to get some sun tan lotion since I was going to be out here until 5. Well I found the sun tan lotion but it did me little good. Since part of my back and arms were purple and swollen by the time the sun went down.
After sunset I took a shower and Mike and I went to the bar that was pretty much created for cruise boat tourists, but not a bad bar. The drinking "age" was that you had to be 4 feet tall, and they made a drink that was a fish bowl sized filled with about 2/3rds 151 and 1/3rd fruit punch. I don't know what it was called but two of those put me on my ass. So we just went to bed after a few of those drinks.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Bahama Trip, Day 3

After waking up is a slight drunken slumber, Mike and I left the boat around 9 in the morning. We ran into Nelson on our way off the boat and for some reason he decided to join us. Well we looked around the port for a taxi and finally found one for 10 dollars for a round trip to the nearest tourist town. It turned out to be a quite a distance away from the port and well worth the 10 bucks. We arrived on the beach about 10 and Mike and Nelson went swimming in the ocean while I went to look for something to drink, since I didn't bring my bathingsuit. Less than an hour after arriving in Freeport(the port we were visiting, I forgot to mention that) we were pretty much bored. The place seemed to be more of an industrial area than a tourism area. Well since we had until 4 to get back on the ship we had to find something to do. So we found a nearby bar and had a few drinks. At least it started out with just a few drinks.

They had a special on the local beer called Kalik, or something like that, 2 for 7 bucks. This beer was pretty big and had a 5% alcohol in it. Not a bad deal, Mike and I had these while nelson took back a few Coronas. After about 6 beers the bartender, Carissa, gave us each a shot and asked us what was in it. I guess this was to warm us up to start doing shots, which it did. After her shot we did a few more. Prarie Fire, Tequila, Surfer on Acid, and a bunch of shooters, which were a dollar a piece. Unfortunally for Nelson he just barely got the Tequila shot down before he puked it back up. During this time a 6 foot plus black guy weighing 250+ wearing a tank top shorts and dreadlocks starts talking to us. Mike and I both thought this guy was just a local trying to either get some free drinks off of us or sell us drugs. Turns out this guy was a guest on the ship. Which later on I felt bad about because we gave this guy some serious shit.

First I thought I saw him try to pick pocket Nelson, which to this day I am not sure if he was doing that or not. Soon after Mike and I started getting into the guys face. Telling him that he was a fake and he was a thief. Basically accusing him of anything and everything because his story just didn't add up. After the bar, this guy starts riding back to the ship with us. I am behind him and Mike is infront of him. Throughout the entire taxi ride we are all yelling at him and accusing him of all kinds of shit. At one point I nearly put the guy in a sleeper hold and mike is about to upper cut him in the jaw. Finally we leave the taxi without getting into any kind of physical fighting and it turns out that this guy doesn't have any money on him. I still don't know why I did it, but I paid for his ride. We all get on the boat and pass out, getting our bodies ready for drinking again the next day.

Oh and as far as Nelson went. He puked on the bar twice, once on the floor, twice in the bathroom and continued spitting up in a plastic cup we gave him. I think he had about 6 beers and 3 or 4 shots. Mike and I had about 8 beers and 10 to 12 shots. Started to lose track after the tequila shots.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Bahama Trip, Day 2

We arrived at Cape Canavaral at about 6:00 in the moring after driving all night. With still 10 hours until our boat leaves we basically just hung around Coco beach for a while. We got something to eat at Waffle house, the only think open at the time, then went to the beaches in Florida. After wasting about an hour or two in Coco beach we headed for our cruise ship to see if we can get on early. Apparently the passengers from the last trip didn't even get out yet so we were stuck waiting for a few hours in the car trying to get a little sleep. As you may expect sleeping in a car underneith the Florida sun is not the most comfortable sleep, so needless to say we didn't get too much sleep. Once it seemed that a lot of the passengers from the last cruise started leaving the parking lot, we back up to the check-in area and they told us we can check in and soon board the ship, but our rooms won't be ready until 1:30.

As we arrived on the boat we started walking around the top few decks. Mainly getting used to the lay out of the ship. Waiters would constently ask us to buy drinks off them, since they would get part of the automatic 15% gratuity. After a little while we bought into their talking and bought a few beers. When I say a few beers I mean we bought, I think, 16 between us. Then we headed to out room to get the listerine bottle out. We filled the listerine bottle with captian morgans before we left for florida. While we were drinking out captian and coke we met some guy that was in the room next to us. He told us that his girlfriend broke up with him right before the trip and he decided to go on the trip nevertheless. While we were drinking with him, he told us that he was not a big drinker and usually only has a beer or two. Mike and I just looked at each other and told him he can drink with us, but we are probably going to be a bad crowd to hang out with. Few more hours of drinking captian and cokes along with beer, we all passed out in our rooms while the ship was headed for Freeport, Bahamas.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Bahama Trip, Day 1

My cousin started driving down towards Virginia Friday afternoon. He arrived here about Midnight and a few minutes after he arrived, he, my brother and myself decided to play beer pong to get drunk. Since there was just three of us, we played 1 vs 1 beer pong. After about an hour or two we went through a case of budwiesers, then we played with a darker beer for a few rounds, but playing beer pong with a dark beer is gross so we decided to quit and go to bed.

The next day we started the 12 hour drive down to Cape Canavaral where our ship was going out of. We split the driving down to half the tank. So my cousin got the first half and I got the last half. The ride was, as expected, boring as hell. We left Virginia Beach around 6:30 and stopped in North Carolina for some food. We stopped at a Wendy's at about 11 or 11:30 at night. To my surprise the fast food place was packed. That wasn't the surprising part though, the place was packed with people wearing suits and dresses. Like some kind of late night church just let out and the congragation had some lat night munchies for fast food. I wasn't sure why these people were here but it was freaking us out, so we got out of that place as soon as possible. We continued our drive down to florida with only one gas fill-up, which was nice. The problem was, since we left at 6:30 from Virginia that we made it to Florida at 6 in the morning and our ship didn't leave port until 4 in the afternoon. But I guess that is a story for day two.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Got a new story

I got a new story to give you guys about my trip to the Bahamas. Going to take me a little while to write it, to make sure I remember everything. So I should have it up shortly.