Thursday, June 23, 2005

Same as usual

So just about nothing has been going on lately. The standard get up late, go to the gym and or beach to workout. Come back home, get something to eat and then maybe go out at night or just stay home and play video games or watch TV. Not too exciting, so I haven't been posting anything. But I do web surf a lot and I figured maybe I can show you guys a video. I guess I can show you a few that I watched today that were, uhh interesting.

On this video let me know what you think is the most painful accident

On this video, well watch and learn not to fuck with a police officer

Pretty funny, at least for Star Wars fans

This one makes me think that the swing rides might not be so boring after all

I guess thats enough for now

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Day at the Beach

I went to the beach the other day with a friend to go swimming. If you swim 7 blocks it is a half a mile. So we decided to swim from 36 street to the End of the Cavalier. There are less people on the higher streets. So we walk up to the Lifeguard there and I start talking to her tell her that we are going to go swimming north and that we will be out some distance and not to whistle us to come in. While I am talking to her, she is repling with "Yah yah, you guys are swimmer then?" With a thick eastern europe accent. So we finally get down with the swim and are walk back to 36 street to pick up our stuff to leave and as we are walking by her stand I give her a thankyou wave and she replies "Alright guys, see ya later." without any kind of accent anymore.

So I was wondering, is this girl really from easter europe and maybe she just learned the "alright guys, see ya later" from people around her. That way she might not have an accent with it. Or was she just fucking with us the first time, because I remember fucking with tourist when I was a lifeguard.

Mistakes with Star Wars Episode 3

While I did like this movie I notice a lot of what the fuck Lucas parts in it. Here they are.

Mistakes with Episode 3
- What the hell was with the little driods taking Obi Wan ship apart. Who would design some stupid shit like that. You know if you made those droids explosive they would work MUCH better.
- I won't go into why gravity was changing while they were in the ship orbiting the planet.
- Chops Mace Windu's hand off. I might be able to buy that he didn't see that coming but it would have been much better if Mace and Anikin fought and Anikin defeated him.
- After he did help Palapatine kill Mace he was destrought. He could believe what he just did and then palapatine asks if he would like to join the dark side and Anikin says, sure why not. Hopefully I was not the only one who didn't buy that.
- Anikin killed all the kid jedi. So he wants to save Padme so bad that he will kill 20 or so kid jedi. Didn't really buy that either.
- Anikins Defeat to Obi Wan. So let me get this straight, Obi Wan had the higher ground making it able for him to chop off both of anikin's legs and arm. That was so ridiculous Obi Wan should have just said, "you jump up here Anikin and I am going to pull some cheap ass Darth Maul win on you."
- Anikin puts on the Darth Vader outfit and the Emperor say, "hey uhhhh the reason padme dies was because you went to the dark side, isn't that something" Now being that he just turned to the dark side, I think Anikin would have been a little pissed off at Palapatine and killed him right there, or at least tried.

Okay, I am sure I missed a few things with this one too, so let me know.

Mistakes with Star Wars Episode 2

I may have to watch this one again since it is not very fresh in my memory but

Here are some Episode 2 mistakes

- The whole love scene between Anikin and Padme could have been shorten. That was the most boring part of the movie and shouldn't have but cut down a bit
- Count Dooku. A very boring bad guy, how could Lucas go from Darth Maul to this guy, and he doesn't die at the end of this one.
- Jango Fett dies. Okay I guess there was no more need for this character but still. He is the best villian in this episode and of course Lucas kills him off.
- Yoda fight Dooku at the end. At first I was excited about this match up, but what the hell was going on in this fight. I just saw a green blur, you know Mace Windu could have fought Dooku off. Just a thought.

I know I am missing alot on this one. It just isn't that fresh in my head so let me know if you disagree or if I am missing anything.

Mistakes with Star Wars Episode 1

I am going to let the dork side out of me here and post about Star Wars. I am going to comment on how Lucas just down right fucked up with a good thing. While there are some mistakes with episode 4 5 and 6, I am just going to focus on the first 3, where Lucas really messed up and disapointed me and many other Star Wars fans.

Episode One
- Starting Anikin(Darth Vader) out as a 6 year old boy. What a perfect way to waste an entire 2 hour movie.
- Pod racing, damn that is a boring part of the movie. The first time I saw it in the theaters I though it was boring. Now it is just an awful part of the movie. And what a great way to waste half the movie on a boring ass pod race. Wouldn't have been needed if Anikin wasn't 6.
- Jar Jar Bink. I really don't have to say anymore, but I will. I think Lucas was trying to figure out how he could make C3PO less of an annoying character by relavance.
- Anikin made C3PO? What the hell and why is this needed at all.
- R2D2 in the first episode too? Again, why?
- Gave Darth Maul about 8 minutes of screen time, then killed him. Pretty much the best part of the trilogy and he kills him off. Understandable that he couldn't give much to the story but come on Lucas, get your head out of your ass.
- How Darth Maul dies. The only thing more upsetting than Darth Maul dying, was how he died. I will set the scene if you don't remember. Maul was standing above Obi Wan while Obi Wan was hanging on a ledge. Obi Wan jumps up over Maul, does a flip and grabs Qui Gons lightsaber, then lands and chops Maul in half. He pulls this move on a guy that was dueling two jedi at the same time, and killed a master jedi. I would have seen that coming. Maul was not only looking at him, has jedi powers and already has his lightsaber in his hand and on. I would have believed it more if Obi Wan force pulled him into the chasm than that bullshit.

Leave a comment if you disagree, or left anything out. It was a long movie and I am sure I left something out.

Monday, June 13, 2005

May god have mercy on Pete

I was just at my friend Pete's funeral the other day, poor guy. Wait, I mean his wedding, not funeral. For some reason I always get those two mixed up. They have many similarites such as getting a certificate, both are religious and both signifies the end of one's life. So here's to you Pete, wherever you are right now.

His wedding was a pretty good one at least. The actual wedding didn't last very long, only about 20 minutes, although I was late since I couldn't find my wallet after changing into my suit. After the cerimony there was a 3 hour break before the reception began so myself and a few other people decided to go to Kelly's, a resturant/bar, until the reception started. We had a few beers and something to eat while I talked to a few of Pete's cop friends that I haven't met before.

Once 6 o'clock rolled around I left Kelly's and drove to the reception. I had it in my mind that the reception was at the Officers club in Oceana Naval Base since I get the invitation. So I drove there and presented the gate guard with my license. Well they took the license and I can only assume pretended to read a piece of paper before they let me in. The funny thing about that is that the reception wasn't on this base, it was a Dam Neck naval base. So they gate guard should have never let us in. So I was driving around this base looking for the officers club and some people I knew. Of course this never happen since I was at the wrong place. Well, after calling some people I learned that this was indeed the wrong place and quickly made my exit from Oceana and proceded to Dam Neck.

Once at the reception I don't think I made any other stupid mistakes. All in all it was a fun time and so was the after party at Brian's place. Not much more to say about that.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Good things to write about are hard to come by

All week went by and still nothing very exciting happening to me. I can say I went to Sea Shore Wednsday to do a run/swim/run. The route isn't too rough, just run three miles in shaded forest, then swim a mile in the ocean and run back 3 miles to my car. Well I never got to the swim part. Since I was swimming during my workout I decided to wear some board shorts. That was a bad idea, since board short without anything underneith and running long distance = major chafting. After about 2 miles I could really start to feel it bad. So I ran back, well it was more of a walk since walking didn't hurt as much. Well I didn't go running swim it felt like someone snuck a cheese grater between my legs, and it kind of looked that was when I took a shower later on. Next time I do run swim runs I think I am going to wear some speedo's underneither my board shorts, since I don't want to make hamburger out of my crotch again and I wouldn't be caught dead wearing just speedos.

Let see, yesterday I finally bought a suit for the upcoming wedding. Let me tell you, holy shit they are expensive. I was expecting to pay 100 to a max of 200 dollars for a suit. Well, I was unpleasently surprised of the price I paid. I really don't want to say how much it was, since I am embarressed about how much I paid for some cloth.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Rough weekend

Saturday was a friends bachlor party, god rest his soul. That was pretty fun, but I am not going to say too much about it other than I got kind of drunk. Well I got really drunk and after smoking a cigar, my stomach wasn't feeling too great. I didn't get back home until 6:30 in the morning and only sleeped a few hours before I went to my fathers birthday party, kind of. My dad's birthday was Sat but he didn't really do anything so he had a birthday party over at his house with some of people from his baseball team. There I had some more beer, since there was beer pong I couldn't resist. I am not used to getting drunk twice in one weekend anymore, but I should get more used to it, since I need to play a game of Ultra Man, AKA Centaurion man. That game is pretty basic. You start friday night and end sunday night and you must drink 100 12 ounze beers during that time. I think I can do it.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Life is pretty boring

Nothing really to say about what is going on with me. I usually get up late, decide if I should go to the beach/park to run and swim or stay here and go to the gym to run or swim. I really don't know what else to tell you about.

I did play some poker with some friends tonight. I got my ass kicked, since I got absolutley shit the entire night. I finally ran out of money and decided to be the all time dealer, since I wasn't doing anything else.

I do know that it is June already and the hald marahon is 3 months away. The 3 - 5 miles I am running now isn't going to cut it. I think I really need to start stepping up the workout plan. Hopefully I will not look like a total loser running a half marathon.

Well I guess this is not a terribly horrible post. I mean the title warns anyone from thinking this was going to be an exciting post. Hopefully next time I post I will have something meaningful to talk about.